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FF #029: Do This Everyday If You Want More Sales

Ya know when something works like crazy?

But for whatever reason...

You just stop doing it?

I was having a chat with my mate Jacob Caris yesterday... who runs a 7-figure brand and monetization consultant.

He was saying 60% of his sales come from "warm/hot outbound messaging".

Which means he's reaching out to folks in his audience and customer base.

Instantly thought to myself...

"I used to do that too. Why TF did I stop?!"

It's sOoOo simple too.

So starting today it's back on my daily to-do list.

By the end of this issue you'll know:

  • who to reach out to
  • what the goal is
  • what to say

Let's roll.


You may or may not know this... but I used to run an outbound prospecting agency.

Which is cold outreach as a service to people who don't know me or my clients.

That's NOT what we're doing here.

We want to reach out to warm and hot folks.

Warm means leads. Hot means customers/clients.

Here's some examples of warm for me:

  • joined my FB group
  • added me as a friend
  • commented/engaged on multiple posts

Here's some examples of hot for me:

  • bought a product
  • current customer / client who engages
  • previous customer / client who engages

It's a lot EZer to start convos with folks in these buckets.


The Goal.


Is NOT to instantly get a sale.

If you message someone saying "hey dude - hope you're well! Would you like to buy my shid???"

You'll burn the relationship.

The goal is to start a conversation that may or may not lead to that.

It's to build a relationship so they eventually DO buy from you again and again.

Remember this.


What To Say.


I don't have an exact template for this because it'll depend on the situation.

But I do have a framework:

  • thank them
  • ask a personalized question about what they're working on

Yes, that's it.

Told ya it's simple!

Here's some examples:

Friend request: "Hey - thanks so much for connecting. Looks like you're a consultant in the email space. How's that going?"

Commenter: "Yo - thank you for always commenting on my posts. Appreciate you man. How's everything going with your agency?"

Customer / client who engages: "What's up - thanks for commenting on my post about goal-setting. How's everything on your end? Anything exciting you're working on?"

The key is NOT to push for a sale.

And... yakno... just don't be a weirdo :-)

So if you want more conversations which lead to more sales... start doing this everyday.

I'd have a lot more in my piggy bank if I never stopped doing this.


That's it for today's Friday Fire action section.

Hope you found this breakdown useful 🤙


When you're ready, here are 6 ways I can help you...

1. Build and monetize audiences in my Audience Rainmaker community here.

2. Learn my multi-million dollar formula to write emails that sell here.

3. Get paid to write simple 5th grade emails that sell here.

4. Get 7 of my best campaigns and daily email training here.

5. Get my content creation and audience-building system here.

6. Join the waitlist for the next Leveraged Offer Launch workshop here.


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