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FF #032: I Invested $58,709.22 In 2022 Into Leveling Up. Here's What I Invested In.

In 2022 I invested $58,709.22 into becoming a better version of myself.

A better creator, marketer, investor, and entrepreneur.

Yes, this is a significant amount.

But with each investment I've seen returns in time saved, money made, lifetime skills acquired, and devastating mistakes avoided.

Always worth it!

These investments are a mixture of products, coaching programs, communities, and masterminds.

In today's issue I'll breakdown what some of them are and why I chose them.

Let's get into it.


The Breakdown.

#1 - Marketing mastermind.


Once a week I meet with 35 other marketers on a Zoom call run by marketing genius Travis Sago. I joined this because Travis shares innovations and tools you won't find anywhere else. Travis provides support and coaching to members within a Facebook group.


#2 - Consulting mastermind.


Run by Taylor Welch who's built and grown multiple consulting companies to the 8-figure level. I joined this to see how Taylor builds his companies. There's a weekly group call, structured curriculum to follow, and in-person events.


#3 - Real estate community.


A course + community around real estate investing. It's run by a guy who owns 600+ properties and nets multiple 6-figures per month from his portfolio. I joined to learn more about investing in real estate. There's a Discord community and monthly Zoom Q&A.


#4 - Direct response community.


A community around direct response marketing strategies and tactics. It's run by a guy who's quietly done $1m+ months with his campaigns. I joined to stay on the cutting-edge of what's working in direct response marketing today. There's a Discord community and weekly Zoom training call.


#5 - Life+bizness mastery community.


A community around all things purpose, lifestyle, finances, and bizness. It's run by a husband and wife team who've built an inspiring life and multi-million dollar net worths at a young age. I joined because I love their content and philosophy on life/biz. There's a private Facebook group and a portal with courses/training videos.


#6 - Email copywriting newsletters.


I'm subscribed to print newsletters from Ben Settle, Matt Furey, and Chris Orzechowski. Every month they send a 15-20 page newsletter that goes deep on marketing and email copywriting strategies and tactics. I joined because writing and email is what I do. These guys are masters in that realm.


I've invested in many other products, courses, and programs but these are the ones I spend most of my time with.

I'd estimate 15-20 hours a month total.

And while the amount I paid may seem substantial... the returns have been more than worth it.

Nothing will have a better return than investing in yourself.


That's it for today's Friday Fire action section.

Hope you found this breakdown useful 🤙


When you're ready, here are 6 ways I can help you...

1. Build and monetize audiences in my Audience Rainmaker community here.

2. Learn my multi-million dollar formula to write emails that sell here.

3. Get paid to write simple 5th grade emails that sell here.

4. Get 7 of my best campaigns and daily email training here.

5. Get my content creation and audience-building system here.

6. Join the waitlist for the next Leveraged Offer Launch workshop here.

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