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FF #030: The "Anti-Pitch" Email


On Saturday I sent an email for a client about all the reasons why someone shouldn't buy their coaching program.

It ended up having the highest sales and replies in the last 3 weeks.

My hypothesis is the market is tired of the overblown promises that don't deliver.

To the point where radical honesty and transparency is becoming a secret weapon.

So I'm gonna be using this "Anti-Pitch" email in the rotation a lot more.

Today I'll share a framework to write them as well as an example for one of my offers.

Let's roll.


The Framework.


Tell them what's going on.

The basic details of your offer.

When it is.

Who it's for.

What you're getting done together.

Tell them who it's not for.

List out the criteria of a bad client.

Then give a short explanation of why it's not for them if they fit that criteria.

Give a reasonable recap.

List out the flip-side of the bad criteria.

You're just saying, "if you're cool with 1, 2, 3... this might be for you".

You're making it clear what's expected of them.

Extend a low pressure invitation to join you.

Tell them you'd be honored to help them and how to get more details.

Since I often sell big-ticket through email/chat I have them reply back.

But I've seen this work sending to a landing/sales page too.

Let's look at an example...

Anti-Pitch Email Example.

Hey ,

[What's going on]

Kicking off another Leveraged Offer Launch cohort in a couple weeks.

It's designed for experts who want to launch a 1:many offer in the $1k-$30k range and get clients for it without sales calls, webinars, or funnels.

This is the 4th time I'm running it and cap it at 15 people each round... but I get 50-100+ who reach out every time I open.

[Who it's not for]

So to save both of us some time/energy I'll share who it's NOT for.

If you're a complete beginner... this is not for you. You need to have expertise in a certain area and at least 1 solid case study proving that expertise.

If you're looking for passive income... this is not for you. We focus on leverage but there's still work to be done.

If you're looking for a miracle and need to make a bucket of cash yesterday... this is not for you. My top clients have made this work in as little as 1 week but 30-60 days is more realistic to see a return... depending on your assets and how fast you implement.

If you're afraid of posting content... this is not for you. You'll be posting to your social media and/or email list. And you'll need at least a small audience.

If you're expecting to make 6-figures on your first launch... this is not for you. It's possible but not the norm.

If you're a course junkie who buys stuff only to never implement and request a refund... this is definitely not for you. In fact, please scroll to the bottom of this email and hit the unsubscribe button. This is only for folks committed to making a real change in their lives.

[Reasonable recap]

With all that said...

If you:

  • are an expert with something of value to share
  • are willing to put in the work and not expecting push-button riches
  • understand results and timeline may vary based on what you have
  • are cool with posting content
  • are not expecting to get rich on your first go
  • take your success seriously and are committed to doing whatever it takes

And you want to a way to get paid for your advice... without all the complicated marketing?


I'd be honored to show you an effective, sustainable way to do that.

Give the reply button a little tickle and let me know a bit about your situation.

I'll send over the details if I can help.

There you have it.

The "Anti-Pitch" email that sells based on honesty and transparency.

Instead of overhyping the offer we focus on who shouldn't join and give a realistic expectation.

The funny thing is it's led to bigger sales days than hard pitches... and attracts a better quality client.

Give it a spin and lemme know how it goes.


That's it for today's Friday Fire action section.

Hope you found this breakdown useful 🤙


When you're ready, here are 6 ways I can help you...

1. Build and monetize audiences in my Audience Rainmaker community here.

2. Learn my multi-million dollar formula to write emails that sell here.

3. Get paid to write simple 5th grade emails that sell here.

4. Get 7 of my best campaigns and daily email training here.

5. Get my content creation and audience-building system here.

6. Join the waitlist for the next Leveraged Offer Launch workshop here.

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